8760 Hours…

…or in layman’s terms, 365 days of Beer-Enity Now! 

I started this shindig with Lord, Beer Me Strength and ended up doing a twofer, following up with I Ran Away from a Bee. Hundreds of beers later and attempted comedy galore, I’ve never been more inspired to take this to the next level. From #beersandbond, #dipadecember, to the upcoming #ipapril, and everything in between, this is only the beginning. 

Cheers to many more years of listening to me yack on and maybe sometimes completely disagreeing with my opinion. This is to celebrate beer and all it’s pleasantries, whether craft or macro, it all has a place in my world. 

I’ve found out one thing in particular while doing this and I will pass this on to you now and forever, listen close…

Beer Snobs are so fucking touchy. 

11 thoughts on “8760 Hours…

  1. Speaking as someone who commits to five beers a year (long story), I prefer to say that I have a rather…discerning taste. Often for porters or stouts. If I could only find that chocolate-and-peanut-butter porter that a friend offered me once upon a time…

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