If I can be serious here for a minute…

(Big ups to Lance Storm for coming up with that amazing line)

I honestly don’t know who these guys are, but I thought the picture was dope, and it worked with my subject matter so I used it. Go listen to them and tell me what you think.

Keeping with the theme, let’s be honest…

Do most followers actually read posts and want to discuss or is it just blind liking? I wrestle with this thought so much as I wait for comments to respond to, to really start a dialog and build that relationship with my followers, but don’t get many.

My question to you is: Is my content comment worthy? Am I not inviting enough to start that dialogue with you or is it just this millennial bullshit laziness?

Honesty is always appreciated.

To break to this serious tone, here’s some cute puppies…

And my Henry and Gibson.