I’m a masochist. 

Kind of. 

I’m about to re embark on an 1,100 page journey that is…

Well maybe not that exact IT but I’m sure you’re picking up what I’m putting down. 

I was doing adult things and listening to a podcast in which a gentleman reads every Stephen King book in chronological order and does a weekly review. After his three part IT review, I got all the feels and knew I had to read IT again. The book IT, not the lovely two letter pronoun, they’ve been getting confused for years. Wouldn’t that suck?!, to be a lovely little pronoun and always have people think you’re a maniacal killer clown that eats children, but I digress. 

I can be a bit lackadaisical in my reading but I have set an end date and that is that. How’d I come up with this end date???

Beer, of course. 

Doesn’t beer solve every problem??

8760 Hours…

…or in layman’s terms, 365 days of Beer-Enity Now! 

I started this shindig with Lord, Beer Me Strength and ended up doing a twofer, following up with I Ran Away from a Bee. Hundreds of beers later and attempted comedy galore, I’ve never been more inspired to take this to the next level. From #beersandbond, #dipadecember, to the upcoming #ipapril, and everything in between, this is only the beginning. 

Cheers to many more years of listening to me yack on and maybe sometimes completely disagreeing with my opinion. This is to celebrate beer and all it’s pleasantries, whether craft or macro, it all has a place in my world. 

I’ve found out one thing in particular while doing this and I will pass this on to you now and forever, listen close…

Beer Snobs are so fucking touchy. 

Craft can be Crap…




                                Yep, it’s true. 

For all the #craftnotcrap hashtags, why is it out of the realm of possibility that craft beer can sometimes not be good. All beer snobbery aside (you know my stance on that) just because it’s craft, doesn’t mean it’s good. I’ve had my fair share of craft beer that was pretty gross and would never indulge in again. You can’t win them all but at the same time to think just because it’s craft it’s good, and at the same token think just because it’s macro, it’s bad is straight up…

Have you ever had a bad craft beer? I know you have and it’s ok to admit because sometimes beers don’t always work. Whether it’s the microest of brews or the macro mecca, don’t judge a beer by its label. 

Just taste it goddamnit. 



I’m now officially at 900 unique beers on Untappd and it is now my quest for 1,000 uniques. I was with my lady for her 1,000th and I want to have that same feeling. Rather than bogging you down with a post every fucking time I have a new beer, which would be exhausting for me and you, take a peep and follow me on Instagram page at beerenity_now. I will be showcasing each beer as I get closer and closer to my quest, so come along with me on my journey for 1,000. Buckle the fuck up…
You know you want to…

Hangin’ with Mr. Copper. 

I woke up today in a weird and sad mood, I haven’t the slightest idea why, but I knew I would need a jacket…

Bomber Jacket that is. 

Get it?!

Today, my second Brewster Club box beer (say that three times fast) hails from Columbus, Indiana. I couldn’t tell you where that is but if I had to guess, I would say somewhere between Indianapolis and E. Bum Fuck. One thing I can tell you is this Copperhead Amber Ale by 450 North Brewing Company is quite sublime. It’s an amber through and through, in every aspect, and the smoothness lent itself perfectly to a quite crushable brew. 

I decided to put on the “Blood Snake” jacket because well the beer was called Copperhead, no shit right?! 

What other one would I use??

Americas Next Top Bottle?…

It’s 2017 and art, fashion, and style are infiltrating just about every “medium” there is…

(See what I did there? Fashion…Medium…get it?!)

…and beer is now no exception. The art on these craft beer cans/bottles has upped the ante in making certain brews more sought after just because of the amazing art on them. This isn’t just a slap on a logo type deal, these breweries take their time and make the labels so eye catching that you (or maybe just I) just have to stop and say, “I must have you, you’re coming with me.” (As I read that back, it’s a little on the creepy side but you see what I’m getting at…I hope.) Cans and bottles are cool but what if you still want to make a statement on an 80 degree January day and you need to keep your beer cold but don’t want these bad boys?…

Well, a very smart man out of St.Louis came up with a sexy alternative that was inspired by the craft beer artwork that also works insanely better. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you Bomber Jackets. Started in 2015 (MMXV), Alexander Nicolazzi was drinking a 22oz bomber of 4 Hands Brewing “Volume 3”. As the beer was getting warm he pondered, drank, pondered, drank some more, pondered some more, and thought…

Not really, but he did know there was a way to #saynotowarmbeer and the B-22 was born.  When I saw them on a random Instagram session, I had to look into it. I’m all about keeping my beers cold and loved the artwork and the detail of these Bomber Jackets, I mean, they have a fucking zipper for crying out loud, I was hooked. Not only are there bomber sized but there are tall can size (C-16) which is great for all the amazing artful craft beer you can enjoy. Even better, you can look at cleavage!!!…

Yes, cleavage but not of the beautiful female persuasion, but the bottle and can variety…

                        Just clap your hands. 

I know you all loved #dipadecember (fingers crossed) so with great pleasure I introduce to you, late as it may be, #jacketjanuary. I will be drinking some great beer in these genius vessels, while showing some of the crazy modern style that, I think, is the future. More styles and different size beverages will be accommodated such as B-12, C-32, and B-750. (Twelve ounce, crowler size, and 750ml size respectively.)  All the information you need is right here:


Art, style, AND beer?!?!? Where do I sign up?? I just told you where to sign up… or order, in this case… so no excuse! You won’t be disappointed, and there can be plenty of not warm beer and cleavage for all. 

For realzy.